Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ducks in the Fog

Here are a few photos from the past fiew days. It's been foggy (kind of depressing) but beautiful, with great light for photography.

Finally, I've gotted a good picture of the spectacular winter plumage long tailed ducks. Here are a couple of males that strayed close to the pier.

Over the past couple of days there have been a ton of dead starfish. The seaguls don't seem to mind. Though most just peck at them, I caught this gull attempting to swallow one whole.

Guess whose tracks these are.

When not swallowing rotting starfish whole, the Glaucus Winged Gulls have learned to dig for clams (by marching in place, which liquifys the mud). They then carry them high above the rocks and drop them to break open there shells.

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